The church was built in the early XIX th century on the site of a building dating back to the XV th century which in turn had been constructed on the site of more ancient one. In the Jubilee year 1925, a statue of the Redeemer, a work carried out by Francesco Sartor di Cavaso, was added to the tympanum of the façade. The statue is surmounted by a polychrome rear window representing the Virgin at the centre, surrounded by the saints Pietro and Paolo.
The interior, built on a Latin cross plan, has three naves divided by arches supported by pillars with capitals of composite order. During some excavation works, carried out in 1830 in order to verify the solidity of the foundations, remains of the so–called “crypt”, which were probably the choir of the primitive  Cathedral, a very ancient building which could confirm the apostolic origin of the diocese of Adria, and frescoes portraying images of apostles were brought to light.
Some scholars recognize in the frescoes the stylistic features of the late Carolingian art. The Cathedral contains other valuable works of art such as a precious bas–relief in white
marble, the most ancient evidence of the devotion of the town to the Virgin, representing the Virgin seated on the throne with the Child on her lap and in the imposing Sacristy called dei Canonici some artistic carved wood wardrobes realized in the second half of the XV th century by Jacopo Piazzetta